My Story Vault with Dr. Dennis Rebelo

My Story Vault: Exploring the “Voice Work” of Marshall Davis Jones, w/ Dr. Dennis Rebelo

Episode Summary

Marshall Davis Jones, a sought-after voice coach, poetry slam performer, and author, has captivated audiences, sharing the stage with visionaries like and Simon Sinek. In this episode, we delve into his life and work, exploring how he became a trusted guide for leaders, teams, healthcare professionals, and counselors, helping them harness the power of their voices.

Episode Notes

Marshall Davis Jones takes us on a journey through key moments of his life, weaving together personal stories and insights. From his viral Touchscreen poetry slam performance that critiques technology, to the lessons he learned in the slam poetry world about the power of his voice, Marshall offers a compelling look at his creative and personal evolution.

He revisits vital childhood memories, like car rides with his grandfather, who introduced him to a "listen-to-the-music" game. This game honed Marshall’s ability to discern individual instruments and deepened his appreciation for sound, shaping his capacity to hear the world with precision.

Through animated storytelling, Marshall reflects on the profound influence of his church, which shaped his sense of what is good and what calls for change. With humor and candor, he shares entertaining recollections of life in the City, where he navigated the impulsiveness of youth and discovered the importance of making intentional choices.


Berkshire Innovation Center Accelerator Program

Marshall Davis Jones

Narrative Research Group

For more information or to share a question or insight, please email Shannon [at] narrativeresearchgroup [dot] org